Experimental Prose


Attempt on the A Train (Excerpt 1) – “Compressed Bodies,” in Unsaid Magazine, Issue 8, April 2021.

Attempt on the A Train (Excerpt 2) – “Cacophony” in Unsaid Magazine, Issue 8, April 2021.

Attempt on the A Train (Excerpt 3) – “You” in Unsaid Magazine, Issue 8, April 2021.

Attempt on the A Train (Excerpt 4) – “Human Flux” in Unsaid Magazine, Issue 8, April 2021.

White Noise – Multimedia performance art, on Zeno Magazine (Zeno Press) 29th April, 2019; text by Amin Erfani, music by Nicolas Baby, voice by Kate Moran.

La phrase est une solitude – remue.net, 28 septembre, 2015.

Be Not Afraid Of The Clown – in Literary Journal Digging Through The Fat ripping out the heart, July 8, 2015.

Figures nues, sur Tiers Livre: Magazine de fiction et de littérature, dirigé par François Bon. 

Fallen – Soliloquy for a Trio – in Unsaid Literary Magazine, issue 6; recipient of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Award for Fiction in the Face of Adversity

Des Voix Sourdes – publie.net, 10 juillet 2010